From time to time positions at Yarradale Stud become available.  If you are interested in working with us, please forward your CV and details of availability to so we can keep your details on file, and can contact you should a suitable position become available.


Davy Hanratty joined was appointed Stud Manager in 2023, taking over from Bernadette Hamill.  Davy joined Yarradale in August 2011 as Stallion and Yearling  Manager, and is married to Susan, our HR / Marketing Manager.  Davy hails from Ireland, having worked at the Irish National Stud for many years.  He and Susan have a young family and are dedicated to maintaining Yarradale's status as a major player in the industry.   
Susan Hanratty (nee Bradfield) was appointed HR/Marketing Manager in 2023.  Susan started with Yarradale in 2002 when she worked with us for yearling preparation.  She returned again for a brief spell in July and August that year and when a position became available in 2003, Susan joined our team permanently.  She was appointed Stallion Handler and Yearling Manager in 2006.

In 2009, Yarradale Stud sponsored Susan to attend the Irish National Stud Course, which she completed in July that year.  She stayed on at the INS for Yearling Prep and during that time attended yearling sales in Ireland and the UK.  She returned to Yarradale briefly early in 2010, before heading to Lane's End Stud in Kentucky USA to gain further overseas experience.

Upon her return in July 2010, Susan was appointed Assistant Stud Manager.  Susan and Davy married in 2015 and with their two children, have made Yarradale their home.


Shayne Newling, successful jockey (now retired from race riding), started at Yarradale in 2004 and has become an integral part of Yarradale.  His role as Senior Stud Hand in charge of transport incorporates horse transport, property management, tractor driving, feral pest control and maintenance of the dam and water supplies. Shayne retired from race riding in 2013, having enjoyed many years at the Broome carnival.  He and wife Ali have interests in a few racehorses and love nothing better than a day at the races and supporting the Broome Carnival.


  Belinda Bracegirdle is a Senior Stud Hand.   Belinda has worked with us, on and off since 2002, starting her career with us at the same time as Susan Hanratty.  Belinda went back to study at Murdoch University in 2021 and despite lots of study committments she still helps out with the foaling and weekend work. 


Bernadette (Bernie) Hamill stood down as manager in 2023 and is now in a mentoring role.


Yarradale also employs a well qualified horse team, all of who have experience in the various aspects of Stud work, including the handling of broodmares, stallions, foals, weanlings and yearlings.  


Blissy Watters-Lydiard joined Yarradale in 2019, having gained previous stud experience at Scenic Lodge and Gold Front Thoroughbreds.  


Natalie Orlando joined Yarradale in 2021, and came with a background in vet nursing in Germany.  Prior to starting at Yarradale, Nat worked with racehorses at Tiarnna Robertson Racing stables and a farm in Queensland. 


Rachel McMullen joined Yarradale in 2023, and has a racing background having worked for Morton Racing and Simon Miller Racing.